No Escape From The Faces You Will Wear Throughout Your Life
Will you wear the Face of Cain or the Face of Abel today? You get to decide. Regardless of which one you choose, you will wear both throughout your life.
The Face Of Cain
Pride, Bitterness, Revenge, Gossip, Selfishness, Egoism, Deceit, Slander, Hypocrisy, Negativity, and many other similar attributes. I will use the negative Machevallian attributes to help you descend downward toward a broken life whenever the opportunity arises so that you will learn to fear me.
Positive Attributes For The Face Of Abel
Charity, Faith, Hope, Love, Generosity, Humility, Joy, Zeal, Empathy, Compassion, Mercy, Devotion, and other similar types of positive attributes. I will use the positive Machevallian attributes to help you ascend toward a better life if asked.
There will be a fierce battle in the depths of your soul 24 hours a day throughout your lifetime. So which one will you wear most often? The one you take joy in. If you enjoy hurting another or find happiness in stepping on another to elevate yourself then that is the Face you will most often wear. If you find happiness in helping another, lifting another up out of their sadness or dismay then that will be the face you will wear most often.
You will wear both and the battle is every second throughout your life.
Abel Represents The Face Of God
Cain Represents The Face Of Satan
Let’s Re-Evaluate The Above From A Different Perspective We Will Call No Place To Run To
There is no place to run to, no place to hide. It is what it is. You are alive now, this moment, accept the presence by being present and aware of yourself and your uniqueness. Celebrate your life.
You are amazing for being the person you are. Stop judging yourself by those around you who make your journey more difficult. We are what we think. DO NOT let their negativity cause you to harm yourself in any way.
Your distractors, those who cast stones your way will, unfortunately, one day have to judge themselves before God and they will not like the outcome if they embrace the following negative attributes as their Modus Operandi (MO).
Negative Attributes For The Face Of Cain
anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. “I suffered so you should suffer too. Let me inflict extra pain on you so I can feel good about myself and use the negative Machiavellian attributes for destroying those around me.
Unwind By Being Kind
You Have Time To Change Your Outcome
Positive Attributes
joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. I will share my wealth of the above attributes with you whenever the opportunity presents itself but only if you show any interest in learning from what I have learned.
We Have Both, But Which One Is the Center Of Your Life At This Time? Which One Will You Wear Today?
Difficult Days
Ever hear the expression I am having a bad hair day. Sometimes we have those days. In some cases, I would rather give that person a swift kick in the ass for being a jackass but that wouldn’t be very nice now. I usually try to flip the person when I have the strength but sometimes best to just walk away and shake that person from your shoe. Send them off with a prayer that the Face of Abel they will wear more often than the Face of Cain.